Through a detailed analysis of your current health, diet, lifestyle, and advanced metabolic health testing, we create a personalized plan specific to your body, preferences, and goals. 

This is for you if you are:

⭐️ Tired of fighting fatigue, low energy, and the persistent need to take a nap. 

⭐️ Are ready to be free from joint pain, back aches, and constantly feeling sore. 

⭐️ You've tried to lose weight but nothing works (or makes it worse).

⭐️ You don't want daily injections, medications or quick fix solutions that won't last.  

with Andrea

All new clients in the Metabolic Mastery program begin with a thorough investigation.  This process is designed to save you time and money by quickly getting to the underlying cause of your current health situation.  

Once the investigation is completed, we get to work solving for the causes found. This approach is specific, personalized, and targeted to your results. 

Once you have achieved the results you are currently seeking, we implement long lasting habits, mindsets, routines, and behaviors to ensure you maintain those results long term. 

with Andrea

Get started today by applying to work with me.

→ It’s not about having the “right” genetics.
→ It doesn’t have to be complicated.
→ It can be personalized, based on your data.
→ And you can maintain those amazing results for life.

I’m Andrea Nicholson, a former crime scene investigator, turned Functional Health Practitioner, dedicated to helping people like you identify and eliminate the cause of fatigue, stubborn weight, digestive issues, and inflammation. 

With my unique blend of investigative expertise and a functional approach, I offer personalized health consultations designed to address your specific needs.
I’ll be your personal Functional Health Investigator!

We begin with an Actionable Investigation

Once your application is accepted, I'll reach out to schedule a quick consultation call to allow you to ask questions. If we both agree we're a good fit, we'll prepare for the Actionable Investigation phase.  

In this phase, we'll run an Advanced Metabolic Health blood test panel and gather details of your health history, current status and goals.  When all this data is combined, we'll create a detailed plan of action to address your underlying imbalances and get you feeling your best (or better than ever). 

Reviews and Testimonials:

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Jodi Rae Randa

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Kathryn Westphal

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by English Goldsborough

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Mary Abney

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Kathy Forbes

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Kelli Arbogast

 Google Review of Andrea Nicholson by Amy White

When you and I work together, we don’t guess at what’s causing the problem. We gather and interpret data to fully identify the source of the problems, so we can strategically and simply address them.

→ Without arbitrarily removing entire food groups
→ Without spending countless hours in the gym every day
→ Without going crazy logging every bite you eat

(without unnecessary medications)

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.
You don’t have to settle for feeling fine.
Don’t waste any more years trying to piece all the answers together on your own, like I did.
Get on the fast track now.

When you have a solid, personalized plan based on your data, you won’t have to continue…

♦︎ Trying to make it through the day fighting hunger on your low calorie diet
♦︎ Searching Google or social media for generic, conventional advice
♦︎ Buying tasteless, pre-packaged diet foods
♦︎ Trying to convince your doctor that something is not right with your health
♦︎ Constantly starting new plans because the last one wasn’t sustainable
♦︎ Being confused about what foods you really should be eating
♦︎ Following online “influencers” who may not have any training in what they’re selling you
♦︎ Relying on long term unnecessary medications or supplements for symptoms

What you will have is…

♦︎ Confidence in exactly what actions to take every day for your ideal health
♦︎ A simple, doable plan of action that doesn’t disrupt your entire life
♦︎ Insights into the underlying imbalances in your body and how to fix them
♦︎ More time in your day to actively participate in life
♦︎ Naturally vibrant health, positive moods, and exuberant energy

Where you are right now is the perfect place to start. 

And now is the time. 

This program is for you if you...

Andrea Nicholson on adventure in Italy
⎷ Want to work smarter, not harder on finally fixing your health and achieving health goals

⎷ Want to be able to confidently say “yes” to every adventure invitation

⎷ Want to feel empowered and certain about how to live symptom- and worry-free

⎷ Want to know exactly what foods make you feel amazing and which foods to avoid

⎷ Want to have an expert in your back pocket to help you uplevel your entire life

Find out what your personal roadmap is by applying to work with me.  

Click the button below to fill out the short application. 

How do I learn more or get started?
Apply to work with me here.  I'll review and schedule a free call if I am a good fit to help you.  This free, no-obligation call will give you the opportunity to see if I am a good fit for you as well.  

If so, we'll discuss the details of the next step in your Actionable Investigation. 
Do you take insurance?
I do not accept insurance.  Depending on your plan, you may be able to use HSA money for my services.  
I don't live near you.  Can I still work with you?
Yes! Thanks to the power of technology, my practice is entirely virtual.  All sessions are conducted via phone or video call.  I work with clients from all over the US and abroad.  
Will you be telling me exactly what to eat?
Nutrition is one key aspect to achieving ideal health, but it’s only one piece. No matter how great someone’s diet is, if they’re being drained by stress load or living in a toxic environment, the body won’t rebalance. Throughout this process, we will focus on all aspects of health.

I will not provide a specific meal plan.  Meal plans don’t work. If they did, everyone would already have the perfect plan. Most people never follow them and they don’t teach you WHY to eat those specific foods. They merely make you dependent on me and the meal plan. That is not a sustainable way to lasting health.

I’d rather teach you how to create your own plan, so you never need to rely on anyone else to tell you what to do. I will give you the tools and resources you need to create that plan for yourself. I want to enlighten, empower, and educate you to take control over your own health.
Will I have to give up all of my favorite foods?
Not likely, but that really depends on what your favorite foods are. If you are consistently consuming foods that are causing you inflammation, the only way to remedy that is to stop eating those foods.

You may be able to add your favorite healthy foods back in when your body is back in balance, but if you add processed and refined foods back in, you’ll most likely end up dealing with all of your current symptoms again (plus more).

When we focus on re-balancing your body, we need to pay close attention to how certain foods are reacting for you. This may lead us to determine that certain foods should be limited or removed for you to achieve and maintain optimal health and digestion. Some foods, even healthy foods, just don’t work for some people.
How long will it take?
Everyone’s journey is unique to them. Many clients see rapid relief from their most frustrating symptoms, true healing takes time. Some clients are able to resolve their underlying causes in a couple of months, others can take years of unraveling and repair.

The process is fully customized to you – so the speed of the protocol depends on your current health, goals, and your willingness/ability to implement the strategies. The length of healing time varies by your unique situation.
Will I lose weight?
Weight loss is generally not my primary focus, but many clients do lose extra weight. When weight loss is difficult, there’s a reason. The body is holding on to the fat for protection and survival. We have to identify why it’s perceiving danger. The body will naturally release the weight when it feels safe to do so. This is healthy and sustainable weight loss done the right way! I do not subscribe to tirelessly tracking, weighing, or counting foods/macros/calories or eliminating entire food groups over the long term.

Why is weight not my primary focus? Weight alone isn’t disease causing. You can have diabetes, prediabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, and every other chronic condition and not be overweight. These conditions also don’t improve simply through losing weight. My goal is to help you reverse these conditions, regardless of weight (though most do lose weight along the way as their health improves).
Will I have to take supplements?
Most likely I will recommend the temporary use of therapeutic supplementation as a part of your protocol to provide rapid relief and aid in the healing process. Those recommendations will come directly from the data gathered from you and your functional lab test results and/or technologies.

Most of the recommended supplements will be taken for a short period of time in an effort to rebalance your body. I only ever recommend pharmaceutical-grade supplements and rigorously tested products. I am not affiliated with any specific manufacturer, so I recommend the best of multiple companies for your unique needs.
How is working with you different than working with my doctor?
It is entirely different and complimentary! I am not a medical professional and as such, I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications.

The Metabolic Mastery process is focused on empowering you to optimize your health through targeted nutrition, lifestyle recommendations, and therapeutic supplementation to rebalance the body so you can get back to living your best life.

You’ll have SO MUCH more time with me in sessions than you’ll ever have with your doctor, so you’ll get your questions answered, understand your lab results, and be a part of developing the perfect plan of action for YOU.

Through this journey...

 Andrea Nicholson on adventure in South Africa
 Andrea Nicholson adventuring in Tuscany
★ You’ll learn everything you need to know to finally get lasting results and stop constantly fighting your health.

★ You will learn how to make strategic decisions, evaluate your plans, tweak when needed, and prepare for a whole new life.

★ You will find peace with food choices, sustainable habits, and lasting personal beliefs about what you are capable of accomplishing.

★ You’ll have access to my decades of education, training, and coaching to help you reach your goals in the most efficient and effective way.

★ You will have personal coaching sessions for education, support, and accountability all along the way.

★ You’ll achieve your goals with ease and maintain them like a pro.

        CONTACT ME

Copyright Andrea Nicholson