I'm Henry. I help heart-centered individuals like you gain Clarity, Confidence, and Courage to reinvent yourself and live a life of impact and passion!
I didn't arrive here quickly, though.
For years, I felt stressed out daily doing a job that I was very competent in performing but without joy or passion. Even as I was learning how to integrate more holistic habits into my life, I was still struggling daily with the realization that I was not living an authentic life.
My biggest fear was how to break away from the daily grind and replace my 6-figure salary while doing something that brought me joy and passion. I'll never forget the day I decided to begin sprinkling my knowledge of ancient wisdom into the technical class I was teaching. Immediately afterward, one of my corporate clients approached me and said she was ready to sell her business and pursue something that resonated more with her inner soul. That was confirmation of my "Aha Moment"!
From that day forward, I knew I couldn't return to doing things the same way. It took a few years to make the pivot, but with the lessons learned, I'm here to show you how to accomplish it in a fraction of the time it took me to develop the unique formula that led me out of my unfulfilling corporate existence into a life of passion and newfound purpose!