Kiley Hayward

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Hi I'm Kiley! I help working moms create habits, uncover purpose and design a life they love!

Banish the burnout!

Are you a mom with a career and want to be a great wife, mom, leader at work and maybe even feel like you're called for more but can't imagine how could add one more thing?! 

Do you want to be a better wife, mom, employee and yet also feel a desire to take care of yourself – to be healthier, happier and to follow YOUR dreams?

For years I thought that finding this “balance” wasn’t possible – because really balance isn’t. You can’t give equally in all of these areas and be great. 

I’ve always known I was meant to do BIG things! And I’m competitive, so when I start anything, I aim to be the best. As a young professional, I rose quickly through the ranks in my career and found myself a rising star at Edelman when I got married and became pregnant with my first son. Having been raised by a stay-at-home mom, I had no clue how I could balance these things and really thought to succeed, I needed to pick work or life as a mom. Needless to say that wasn’t an option. So I went to work to figure out how to “balance” it all. I have to admit – I failed on many days.

But I learned from those days and I’ve taken what I’ve learned and am now using it to help other women just like me – while I continue to build a successful career in communications. 

Message me if you want to learn more about the habits I created to banish my burnout, build my career and design life on MY terms!

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