Your Blueprint for Pleasure: Introducing the 5 "Love Languages" for the Bedroom
Your Blueprint for Pleasure: 
Introducing the 5 "Love Languages" for the Bedroom
$25/person, $20/ticket for purchases of 2+ (use code 5off)
Hanai Foundation, Bend, OR 97702

What if... there was a simple way of understanding your “native language" when it came to intimacy and pleasure? What if... you knew the key to your unique Pleasure wiring to unlock superpowers, your turn-ons and strengths, address your unique challenges and turn-offs, how to deeply nourish yourself and please any lover, and how to communicate about eroticism with comfort and ease? This introductory workshop will cover the foundation of your innate pleasure wiring, helping you connect to WILDER INTIMACY. Whether you're single and craving satisfaction, together and feeling alone or underfed, or good and wanting to take it to OMG, this workshop is sure to teach you something juicy!

Have you ever felt stuck or confused when it comes to pleasure and intimacy? Like you know there’s more, but you don’t know what’s missing or how to even ask for it? Or do you have a fantastic & fulfilling love life, and want to know what ELSE is available for you to explore in the realms of Pleasure Mastery, to take it to an even deeper & higher level?

The Erotic Blueprints™ help to take the guesswork out and help you overcome frustration and unlock satisfaction by identifying your turn-ons and turn-offs (that you may not even consciously aware of!), showing you root causes of why you may be stuck/struggling, or how to take your love life from 'good' to 'OMG.'

If so, then join us on June 17th for “Your Blueprint for Pleasure: Introducing the 5 Pleasure Languages!”

If you’re familiar with the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, you’ve probably learned that different people receive and experience love in different ways. Often people give affection and care through their native ‘language,’ which is great if their love languages match; most often however, we are drawn to differences, and there can be a mis-match. The same process applies to the Erotic Blueprint framework, developed by Jaiya, and made famous on Netflix’s “Sex, Love & Goop” which bring new vocabulary and awareness to the idea of arousal, pleasure, and fulfillment, states, stages, and seasons of sexuality, as well as challenges and obstacles to pleasure.

“Before I learned about the blueprints, I was unsure of my own desires and unable to communicate clearly with my lover. The Blueprints taught me a language and a new way to understand myself, a way to discover what I really desire, and gave me the confidence to share that without emotional charge or shame. Now my relationship is blooming because I am able to be honest about my desires and challenges in ways I never could before.” - David
Join Kristin Warnaca, Certified Life Coach & Erotic Blueprints Coach, in this introductory workshop as we dive into the basic foundation of your innate pleasure wiring.
As a certified Erotic Blueprints coach, I can help you connect to WILDER INTIMACY. Whether you're single and craving satisfaction, together and feeling alone or unfed, or hot and taking it to the next level, this workshop is sure to teach you something orgasmic! This workshop is open to humans 18+ of of all genders & orientations and will be fully clothed, trauma-informed, consent-based, and educational in nature. 

You will learn:
- 5 States and Stages of Sexuality
- 4 Obstacles/Pathways to Arousal
- Needs, Desires, Superpowers & Shadows of the 5 Erotic Blueprints types!
- Demo of A/B and Body Mapping Games (clothed, PG-13 level touch)
- Take-home conversation templates & A/B Touch Game instructions for further exploration

Testimonial: “Before the Blueprints, I was cheating myself out the types of touch I needed because I believed that sex was all about genital touch and intercourse. The Erotic Blueprints helped me learn to truly honor my sensual nature. I can get out of my head and truly savor all the deliciousness of eroticism and pleasure!” - Belinda

You'll get even more out of this workshop if you take the intro Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough quiz in advance... click the link to get the free quiz emailed to you! ;)