Are you ready to learn about the Round Pen and how it can best help you and your horse? 
For years now, we have helped people better understand the round pen, what it is and what it is not. It has a bad rap because of so many methods out there that promote chasing and fear. This course is NOT that. This is a course about learning how to communicate with your horse in a safe way to teach them to mentally engage and relax with you. Sign up now and learn! 

What To Expect?
The Way Round Penning is Supposed to Look Like 

Somewhere along the way, Round Penning has taken a large turn into something that is it is not. Round penning has so many misconceptions with it that have turned it so far away from the tool it was meant to me. Round penning is intended to promote connection, relaxation and simplicity of understanding basic asks for your horse. It should be thought of like a dance, not a chasing game. The round pen can be a great asset for a trainer but it can also be a tool used to create anxiety, reactiveness and fear if used incorrectly. 
In this course we will teach how to do exactly this! 

How to Promote Connection & Relaxation

Common Round Penning Misconceptions 
- The more they run around from you as you push them and change their directions, the more they will “respect you.” 
- When they make a mistake anywhere, running them in the round pen will teach them a lesson 
- It’s a good place to tire them out before riding 
- Fast movement and reactions to your cues means they are responsive and listening to you 
- You need outside turns before ever asking for an inside turns
In this course we are going to address these misconceptions, and show you how we can use it promote connection, relaxation and horse that responds out of confidence rather than out of fear. 

4 Hours of Instruction! 

In this course you will enjoy 15 different videos totally over 4 hours of instruction from both Michael and Julia 
Expecting to learn 
- Creating Drive 
- Creating Connection with the Come to Cue 
-Use the Round Pen to Promote Relaxation 
-Pressure, how to use it, and common problems 
-Inside Turns 
-Spook in Place
-Turn & Face in the Stall 
-Catching your Horse
-The Mental Thought Process & Philosphy 
-Catching Your Horse Properly 

Understand exactly how the round pen can be a powerful tool for you too! 
A great price, a great bit of information, and all set up for your access to this entire course to use at your convenience. Watch it, learn from it, work on it, and then repeat! Have access to the videos to view anytime, and ask us questions directly so that we can best help you and your horse. 

Price for the Round Penning Course is $125 for all sign ups or $100 if you are in the challenge! If you are in the 2024 Horsemanship Challenge, use code CHALLENGE2024