About two and a half years ago I got into network marketing. But I didn't really start until a year ago because that's how long it took me to decide I really wanted to give this business model a try. At some point during this past year I became a true believer and you will not be successful in this field unless you have that belief. Now that I have skin in the game there is no option but success. You have to hit that mindset and that stick and stay mentality to get all the benefits that network marketing offers?"
The network marketing industry sometimes gets a bad rep as a whole because there are so many people who have dipped their toes into the waters. It's so easy to give it a go - a try and with that mindset they will not be successful. They might get a few sales but they aren't going to hit that sweet spot of unlimited residual income that so many companies offer. All those toe dippers are the reason for the bad reputation. They dip their toe and then proclaim that the water is infected when in reality - they never got in the pool. But the toe dippers will be the first ones to tell you that you will never make money in your endeavor. They say that because they did not make money.
In my humble opinion, there is no better business model than network marketing. As a network marketer, I am in distribution. I am selling businesses to other people. I can sell you a hamburger or I can sell you the hamburger store and show you how to sell the hamburger. The more stores I create, the more hamburgers I'm going to sell and the more money I will make. That's network marketing. It's word of mouth advertising which is the most potent advertising method there is and it's allowing everyday people to become millionaires which irritates a lot of people.
The haters will state that it's a pyramid scheme and let's dissect that statement a little bit. I was in education for thirty years. There was a board of education who hired a superintendent who made a lot of money (for the education world - let's keep it relative), under that position, there are assistant superintendents of various number and they made less than the big guy. Beneath those positions, there were department chairs and then principals, assistant principals, teachers, paraprofessional support, secretaries, janitors, cooks etc. Each step received less pay than the person above them creating .... you guessed it - a pyramid. Now it did not matter how hard that teacher or that janitor or secretary worked. It didn't matter how many hours they put in or whatever self improvement they did or ideas they might contribute - they are never going to make more money than the big guy. To me that's a scheme.
That was education but it's the same in the business world or government or any type of business you can imagine. The structure is always a pyramid and the people at the top make more money, get all the accolades, attention and bonuses. Now in network marketing, I am going to make more money based on how many hamburgers I sell. The more distribution centers I create, aka hamburger stores, the more hamburgers I sell. Seriously picture this... I'm walking around selling the best tasting hamburgers - no matter how good I am there is a limit to how many I can sell but if I create a bunch of me, that is distribution centers, hamburger stores - then I am definitely going to sell more hamburgers.
Now creating all these hamburger stores or distribution points takes time. Not everyone is going to want to own a business. So many people just want to sell a hamburger and get some money. They want that guarantee that they will have something no matter how small or meager it is. I get it. But if you sell a store, and they sale a store and they sale a store - you are still benefitting from all those burgers being sold and you didn't have to sell all the stores. Genius!
Let's also go back to the pyramid - in network marketing - it's definitely possible to surpass anyone in income. There is no limiting pre-set definition of success. There is no limit in what is possible except in the individuals mind. I have watched many times when people join a business, they stick and stay and work hard and often surpass the person who brought them into the business. The Janitor can make more than the Superintendent and they should if they are the ones doing the work that shows results. This is network marketing's super power. It's open to anyone and accessible to everyone. There is a cost to begin as you are starting a business but it's relatively low compared to what traditional businesses would cost and for the back end support you receive.
If it's so great why don't people stay in it? The ones who do - make serious life changing, generational wealth kinds of money but many people do drop out because they don't understand leverage and momentum. While you are earning money along the way, the big money is almost an accumulation of all your early work. Think of a train climbing a large hill. It's slow, it's hard to push - you talk to everyone you know to help push this train. You move it inch by inch. You often cannot see the fruits of your labor at this stage. You push and you push and you don't give up and it's still not easy because it's truly not easy. But what you are doing is growing your skills. You are learning how best to push the train. You sell other hamburger stores and they start pulling the train and soon you have a community helping with this train and the next thing you know your train has crested and you are ready now for momentum. Your hard work begins to pay off and your train takes off flying down that hill. Are you done? If you want to be. But you can also let that train fly down and then up an even bigger hill where you once again start pushing. There is no end to the height of your mountains. There is no end to the amount of money you can make. What other business model offers you that opportunity.
So while you may need a guaranteed paycheck working some job, don't let that position determine your potential. You can do most network marketing jobs on the side and if you push that train hard enough, consistently enough it won't be long before you are the conductor of your own life, choosing your own value and having a kind of freedom that most people will never know.
Good luck to you!!
Oh and if you need a fabulous business partner to introduce you to the business, I just happen to know one and we sell something so much better than hamburgers!