Who Am I?
Mom of Two Beautiful Boys
Recently fled and divorced a Covert Narcissist after a 14-year marriage
Many Passions and Careers
- Activist, Mechanical Engineer, Professional Dancer, Stay at Home Mom
- Crystal Reiki Practitioner
- Meditation Teacher
- Trauma-Informed Narcissistic Abuse Coach (Hypnotherapy, Brainspotting and other Somatic and Energy Wellness Practices)
What You Will Learn
The Method that allowed me to pick myself off the floor, break the trauma bond, take action and leave the relationship
The S.A.F.E. Method
S - Self-Awareness
A - Acceptance
F - Frequency
E - Exit Plan
Prepare Yourself Mentally & Physically to Leave; Raise Your Energetic Frequency and Manifest Your Desired Outcome
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