The Gift of NO

And here I am. Still busy, still with a life full of the wonderful happenings that bring me joy. But also saying no, slowing down and inviting the spaciousness that is there for each of us if only we allow it. It is a delicious space, a rich one, a healing one and one I wish to remind everyone is always there when you need it. 

The Power of "AND"

"AND” is a tiny word that holds immense power. Often overlooked, underestimated, yet crucial in shaping our perspectives and possibilities. It bridges differences, unites multiple truths, and fosters a sense of belonging. "AND" is the gateway to creativity and innovation, encouraging us to combine ideas and explore beyond conventional boundaries.

Embrace the Magic of the Summer Solstice and Strawberry Moon

The alignment of the summer solstice with a full moon, often referred to as a "strawberry moon" due to the berry harvest season, is a rare occurrence. This convergence happens roughly once every 70 years. The last notable alignment was in 2016, and the next one is projected for 2062. The rarity of this event adds a layer of mystical allure, amplifying its significance in folklore and spiritual beliefs.
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