meet Kevin Hoover
Founder: Next CrestTM Consulting

Thank you for taking a look inside my personal mission. Keep the visionaries in business so that the world can receive their gifts over a longer period of time to generate real, generational wealth, change & progress.

I've spent over a decade in corporate, as much time in entrepreneurship & experienced a transformational spiritual journey to my purpose as a light worker. I am many more things, but these would be the most important to you at this stage of discovery.

I was my own first client. I am still a practitioner of my work. Once I got results, I did the same for other people. Fast forward to over 10,000 consulting sessions, multi-nine figures in revenue generated & hundreds of hours of video, keynotes & podcasts produced...that's my commitment to growth.  Do it right, do it swiftly & do it without pushing someone else down.

This is my vision, my purpose & my calling. Thank you for exploring with me.

"It is important not to treat your life like a waiting room. No one will walk-out, call your name & things will be as you wished. I'm masterful at manifestation, but that doesn't mean waiting. We pursue the business that you know will bring profit, impact & fulfill your purpose."

Copyright Next CrestTM 2024