The Reason You Don't Have What You Want

It’s a new year. And with that comes new year’s resolutions - changes you want to make to your life and/or your behaviour. 

You might want to stop procrastinating or stop being so hard on yourself. You might want to get more organized or be more active.

Maybe this is a brand new resolution you’re making or maybe it’s one that you repeat every January thinking, “This is the year this change is going to happen!”

You really want this change to happen. This change will make life better and easier in every way.

Or will it?

There was a 42-year-old woman named Dawn

Your Christmas Story

Some people love Christmas. Other people really do not. Which are you? (FYI: I’m in the “love Christmas” category. I love the decorations and the lights. I sometimes even decorate my sisters’ houses!)

I believe there are 2 general factors that make up your “Christmas story” - the way you perceive Christmas - that determines whether you look forward to the season or dread it. 

Why do you need to know this? Because Christmas isn’t going to disappear and if you dread the season, that’s a whole lot of unnecessary additional stress - the lead up to the season, the season itself, and the recovery from the season - every year! It’s like more than 1/12th of your year - which is 1/12th of your life - that you are dreading and stressing about! 

By knowing these 2 factors that make up your “Christmas story”, you’ll be empowered to start re-writing it - perceiving it differently. It’s time to turn this 1/12th of your life into something less draining and more fulfilling.

Here are the 2 factors of your “Christmas story”...
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