Are You Feeling Worthless?

Feelings of worthlessness are common among us humans. But those feelings are not reflections of fact. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, you have worth and are worthy. That’s a fact.

Feelings of worthlessness are the result of beliefs that you hold about yourself, about life, and about love.

This story (from an unknown source) beautifully illustrates the truth about worthiness:

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200 he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" 

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this..."

The Most Important Relationship for Your Mental Health

Research shows that the quality of your relationships plays an integral role in the state of your mental health. 

Low quality relationships are with people who criticize, belittle, judge, and manipulate you, eroding your mental health, leaving you questioning your worth, decisions, abilities, and even your sanity.

High quality relationships, on the other hand, are with people with whom you feel safe to be vulnerable, to be yourself, knowing that no matter what, you will be accepted and loved by them. You trust them to not harm you, and more than that, you trust them to champion for your good. You feel their unconditional love for you. 

And that is a beautiful thing! That unconditional love allows you to feel safe to try things, make changes, make mistakes, and learn without the ever-present threat of being judged, being not enough, undeserving, or cast-out. That unconditional love fosters your growth and resilience! You feel unstoppable and like you could conquer all things.

While not all of us have a relationship with another person of such high quality to support our mental health, I guarantee, we all have a relationship in our life that has the potential to be so. And this relationship is the MOST important...

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