What NOT to Do in Your Business in 2025 (part 1)

What NOT to Do in Your Business in 2025 (part 1)
It’s hard to believe that we are coming to an end of 2024. 

Anyone feeling the pressure?

As Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, it’s that time when we’re juggling deadlines, reflecting on the past year, and trying to plan for the next one—

All while pretending we’re not living on caffeine and sheer determination😅

Well, I have some good news!  I’m here to help! (and no I won’t suggest adding “stress less” to your to-do list).

Over the course of the next several weeks I will 
be sharing a series of important lessons I have learned in my 30 years running and owning small businesses and coaching my small business owner clients:
I call it:

NOT to do in 2025)

To kick this series off, today I am going to share 2 tips with you. Let’s dive in.

What NOT to Do #1:  
Do NOT Plan for 2025 to be the Best Year Ever!

Seriously, I see this promoted by all the online so called “experts” every year around this time and heading into a new year. The truth is, falling for this “Best Year Ever” goal is setting yourself and your small business up for failure and disappointment.

 Rather than focusing on 2025 being your best year ever, I encourage you to reflect back on why 2024 was not “your best year ever” 
and what you can do differently to make it a better year and get better results for your business & your life.

Then we can move on to the second tip below.

What NOT to Do #2:  
STOP Focusing on the Goal

Most of us as small business owners and entrepreneurs set new goals and resolutions at the beginning of the year. We start off strong hoping to get the results we desire and then soon after (a few weeks😅) we fall back into our old habits. 

We are conditioned by society and the “experts” to set lofty goals and then go for them. Don’t get me wrong, setting goals are important but don’t just leave it at that. 

One of strategies I teach my clients is to not just set the Outcome Goals that you want but also the Process Goals. 

The process goals are the action steps that you plan to take in order to achieve the outcome goals that you truly desire. 

The truth is we don’t have full control over the goals... But what we do have control over is the action steps that we take. Taking action is the key to making a real difference for you and your business.

If you would like to  take action and learn more about how you can get better results in your business in 2025 without sacrificing your personal life (family, friends, you), let's setup a time to chat.

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Business

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Business
Feeling overwhelmed in your entrepreneurial journey? You're not alone. A recent study found that 62% of female entrepreneurs experience burnout, but you can reignite your passion and steer your business to success with the right strategies.

Shifting your mindset from an employee to a CEO is pivotal. Embrace ownership of your vision, delegate tasks to focus on growth, and build confidence in your decision-making abilities. Rediscover your "why" and let it guide you, as getting clear on your vision will help you create a successful roadmap.

Evaluate your daily activities with honesty; focus on "Power Moves" that align with your goals rather than "Energy Drains." Seek out a mentor for guidance, accountability, and support to think bigger and gain valuable insights. Remember, you are capable of amazing things, and by prioritizing your well-being and leadership, you can build the thriving business you envisioned.
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