💖 My Authenticity in Coaching 💖

💖 𝐌𝐲 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 💖

As a Mindset Mastery and Business Coach, I always felt that Authenticity isn't just a buzzword—it's the Foundation of Trust, Connection, and Genuine Transformation

In an Online World flooded with Filtered images and Carefully curated personas, I believe there’s Nothing more Powerful than showing up as your True Self, Unapologetically and Wholeheartedly. 

For me, being Authentic online isn't about presenting a Perfect version of myself; it's about embracing my Imperfections, sharing my Real experiences, and being Honest about my own Journey. 

When I approach Coaching with Authenticity, it not only allows me to build Deeper, more Meaningful relationships with my Clients, but it also creates a Safe space where They feel empowered to do the same. 

I’ve learned that when I let my guard down and Simply be who I am, I give Others permission to do the same. It’s in these moments of vulnerability that True Growth happens. 

My Goal is to Inspire Others to break free from the Need to conform or fit into someone else’s mold. Authenticity is Not about pleasing everyone—it's about Being True to yourself, your Values, and your Mission.

So, I’m here, Unapologetically Me. I don't have all the answers, and I am OK with that. I’m continuously Growing, Learning, and Evolving—just like You and everyone else. And that’s Exactly how it should be!

To all who are on this Journey with me, Thank You for trusting me with your Growth and being Open to mine. ❤️

Let’s continue to show up Authentically, Support each other, and Embrace our True selves—Flaws and all. 

Because in Authenticity, we find the Power to Truly Change Lives.

With Love,
Angelique ღ 

Mindset & Business Success Mastery™ 

#beauthentic #BeAuthenticBeYou #mindsetmastery #growthmindset 

Wisdom of Money

When you have difficulty to Attract, Create, and Manifest Abundance, Money, and Wealth in your Life, then this is the Right Ebook for you!
Wisdom of Money is my just launched new Ebook about educating you on your Money Mindset, to attract Abundance and Wealth more easily.

The Ebook also provides exercises, affirmations, and other tools to help you create and sustain a healthy Money Mindset.
There are a lot of opinions and beliefs around Money which restricts and limits you from having the Financial Wealth that is plentiful out there, and you absolutely deserve to have!

Go on this Journey to improve your Life, and the life of others, through the Wisdom of Money Mindset Mastery, and also make a Positive impact on the World and your Purpose.

It will also be available on Amazon soon!

In Love and Abundance,
Angelique ॐ

#moneymindset #EbookLaunch #mindsetmastery #mindset #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibration #AbundanceMindset #wealthmindset #attractabundance #attractmoney #wealth

I have Never done this before!!

You want more Clients in your Practice or Business, more Revenue, more Visibility....but you're Struggling or are Stuck.

It is my Passion and Mission to Help others build, grow, and expand their Practice or Business. I have been where you are, struggling, being stuck, not knowing what to do or how to move forward where I was on the verge of giving it all up. Though I had to figure it out all for myself.......

Being it a challenging time for many, cost of living and all, I decided to do something Crazy!!
I will work with you for 12 weeks, yes for 3 whole months, to get your Practice and Business in the direction you want to get it to, and create Results!
And all this with a Massive 75% Discount!

Why? Because I love to Help you. And yes, it is still an energy exchange for my time and input, but I want to give Everyone the opportunity to make a Massive and Positive Change in Life and Business.

Imagine what Your Practice or Business, and Personal Life can look like 3 months from now......to have more clients, more income, and Feeling more Confident and Secure. Having that Excitement again what you had when you Started your Business, wouldn't that be great?!

When you like to know more about the outline of the 12 weeks, without any pressure or obligations, then feel free to schedule a call with me. I am happy to explain it all, and then it is on You to decide when this is right for you. Again, No Pressure, No Obligation.
You can schedule a date and time here, easily at your own convenience: 

This Crazy Offer is for August 2024 only! You can still start working with me after August as well, when that might suit you better, as long as you are Registered for this special discount in August.

Opportunities like this don't come around too often......so don't have Regrets later!

I am Looking forward to at least give you some insights what it can mean for your Practice or Business to get started with this 12-week programme. In the end.....the Choice is Yours, always!

With Love,
Angelique ღ

#mindsetmastery #businessmindset #businesssuccess #mindset #alignyourvibration #raiseyourvibration #vibrationalenergyalignment #bussinessgoals #holistic #raiseyourenergy #abundance #success #prosperity

What happens when you Raise in Consciousness?


Raising in Consciousness affects literally Everything in your Life, including your Relationships, your Business, and how you Create your Reality.

A big Transformation for myself was by raising in Consciousness, Mindset, and Vibrational Energy, I also learned a Lot more about How I Create and Manifest everything in my daily Life. Whether it's the Good things or the Less good things, I Am Creating all the time. Only now I am at a stage on my Journey where I have the ability to Control more of what I Create or Manifest.
Mastering your Mindset and Vibrational Energy Frequency, and Aligning them, will literally bring Miracles, Abundance, and different People in your Life. More Opportunities appear out of nowhere, and situations and connections with people are established that can lead you in the right direction of your Desires.

To me this became a real point of Soul Awakening, being more aligned and in connection with my Inner Being, or Higher Self, and also the Abundance Frequency of the Universe. It opened doors that I didn't even know were there to open. And it has a Positive effect on my Personal and Professional Journey.

Once you Understand how it all works, and then work With it all, things just start to Unfold and fall into place, easy, flowing, and naturally. You become in a state of Allowing, Receiving, Accepting, and Trust. And this is the state you need to Be in when it comes to Deliberate Creating ( creating on purpose ) and Manifesting your Wants, Needs, Dreams, and Desires.

Helping people always has been a Purpose for me, and I have been in many different directions over time, to find my way, to find my path, and the Right direction for me to go into. All previous experiences, from different opportunities and Training I worked on over the past years, they all helped me get where I am now, and lead me to the moment of Helping other raise their Awareness, Consciousness, Mindset, and Vibrational Energy Frequency, so they can Create on Purpose and truly Manifest their Desires too.

I found my Purpose, and so will You. Once you are at the Right Frequency and in Alignment with your Mindset and Vibrational Energy, you will "hear" your Guidance better, you're in a more Positive state of Mind and Being, and you will notice a Shift within your Self and in your Life.
Mindset Mastery and Vibrational Alignment is the Foundation of All that Is ( a phrase I got channeled into me ), and this is So True. As Everything in our Life, and in the World, has once be Created through Thought, Words, Feelings, and Vibrational Frequency.

So when You also want to make a Positive Shift in your Life, whether Personally or for your Business, then you need to start with the Foundation. Your Mindset and your Vibrational Energy.

I'm happy and open for a chat with you, to share my personal Experiences and for You to share your story with me, and perhaps I can give you some insights you can start working on. Feel free to reach out!

With Love,
Angelique ॐ

#mindsetmastery #raiseyourvibration #mindevolutionmastery #mindevolution #raiseyourfrequency #vibrationalalignment #energyalignment #purpose #consciousness #awareness #spiritualgrowth #personaldevelopment

Do you Spend on, or Earn from Travelling?

As a Mindset and Business Coach I also help and support people Start, Build and Grow their own online Travel Business.

Imagine you can organise Retreats or Events for your current Practice or Business, National and International, and Earn commissions from it. Or you just like to Earn some extra income Next to your current Practice or Business.

Remember, it is Always good to have another income stream, than just relying on one!

Since C-19 time in 2020 I got trained in becoming an Independent Travel Agent, and now being the Focus for me more on Mindset and Business Coaching, I help others to Start, Build, and Grow their online Travel Business as well. 

You can do this part-time or full-time, you spend as much or as little time on it as you want. There are no targets and no limits. You even earn Commission on your Own holidays, how great is that!

No experience needed, as all training and support is provided.

Other travel booking platforms earn commissions from You, so why not earning those commissions for yourself and organise holidays for others too?

When you like to learn more about it, and how it can work for You, then click the link below or email me directly. 


I will give you all the information, and then it's up to You to decide if it's right for you. And the extra Bonus, I'll Coach you ongoing for Free! 

With Love,

Angelique ღ

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