Before you can join the flock, 
you must agree to the rules of the nest:

  • Treat everyone with respect. This is not a religious, political or gender platform. That shit is important, just not here.

  • Keep to the topic of the chat room or workshop. None of these spaces are a platform for your personal agendas.

  • We will not sell or share your personal information. Not ever.

  • Your payment information is secure.

  • By accepting the terms of the nest, you are agreeing to monthly payments of $14.99.

  • You can cancel at any time, and previous payments are non-refundable.

  • LCC does not offer actual medical or psychological advice.

  • We are a non-bullying flock and can and will block you for outlandish behavior without warning. Do not bully anyone in this nest.

  • All vendors are fully vetted.

  • We respect anonymity. You will as well.

  • We will not email you on a regular basis. You must be on the website to see upcoming events, news, etc. 

  • Play nicely or suffer a time-out.

  • There may be, at times, language. This should never reflect bullish or racist language. We don’t accept it and you need to respect it.