Leadership Mastery Course

About this course

The Path to Exceptional Leadership was specifically created for new managers who want to become confident transformational leaders!

Leadership Mastery is an online training course that takes place over 20 modules. Each module includes a lecture component on theory and practice, interspersed with coaching and training activities where you’ll apply what you are learning to your own domain. 
Regardless of whether you are leading an organisation or a team you want to be a great transformational leader! Over these 20 modules you will discover who you really are, how that impacts your leadership, others on your team and how to be the best leader you can be, so you can lead others to deliver outcomes!
Remember the 3 rules of leadership...
  • Leadership is all about YOU!
  • Leadership is NOT about you, it is about OTHERS!
  • Leadership is about the OUTCOMES you and others DELIVER!
The question is, how do great leaders do this? This course will cover fundamentals of leadership, so you can lead your high performing team with confidence to deliver on your vision.

Who should take this course?
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about becoming an amazing leader, who leads with a vision and leads high performing teams to deliver on that vision! You are either a product manager leading a team, or you are a new leader, who wants to lead through a vision confidently. This will help you get started on that path.

This course covers:
  • An overview of your learning journey and the change in responsibilities and roles
  • Emotional Intelligence & the Mindset Shift
  • Leadership Theory
  • Vision & Strategy
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Leading Change & Organisational Structure
  • Communication 
  • Decision Making, Problem Solving, Conflict Management 
  • Coaching, Performance Management & Feedback
  • Interviewing, Building High Performing Teams and more
What to expect:
  • Curriculum developed by an experienced senior leader & coach with deep leadership experience
  • Engaging, instructor-led videos & templates that you can view & use at your own pace
  • Real-world examples from organisations such as McGraw Hill, Netflix,  Starz/Lionsgate & SNSW
  • Exercises to help you apply what you’ve learned throughout the course
  • Optional exam to check your knowledge and earn a certificate
Course materials:
  • Online Course
  • Exam study guide
  • Miro Templates
  • Other Templates
Time commitment: 20 modules of self paced learning online