Trial Preparation Service (In less than 4 weeks) | Family Court Pro Se, Self Represented

Trial Preparation Service (In less than 4 weeks)

A nonrefundable administrative fee of $100 is added to payment plan option. Deposit is $1,500 + 3 weekly payments ($1200). Total price will be $5,100.
This is the ONLY Trial Preparation service specifically tailored for the Family Court pro se litigant. Whether you have an attorney or not you will increase your chances of getting the outcome you want with our help.

We meet regularly, do research, file forms, serve subpoenas (additional fees required for service and filing), research your judge/GAL/attorneys, and so much more.

We help you to see your case the way the judge will. 

NOTE: It is ideal for us to get started 60-90 days before your scheduled trial date (30-60 days for hearings) so that we can prepare every aspect of your case adequately.  If you hire us 30 days before the trial, we will add on a RUSH fee. 

Although only a fraction of Family Court cases make it to actual trial, hearings are something that happens much more frequently. In some jurisdictions, a hearing is conducted in the same manner a trial is.  Although Family Court hearings and trials usually take a more informal approach, the issues that are involved are serious enough to justify you preparing the best way you can. 

Self-representation in Family Court is challenging enough just appearing for updates, negotiations, temporary orders, etc.  But when you add in trials or hearings, that challenge multiples tenfold.  Most pro se litigants who represent themselves at trial wind up with an undesirable outcome. However, it’s not because of what most people think.  The main reason pro se litigants do a “bang up” job in their case is that they don’t understand court procedure or the procedural rules for their specific jurisdiction.  
The law does matter, but it goes way beyond just the law.  Knowing your judge’s way of doing things, meeting all the deadlines, being organized and detailed, understanding court rules of evidence, etc. all play an equally important part. 

Our trial preparation services are specifically geared towards helping litigants who are determined to handle their hearing or trial on their own.  We teach you the insider trade secrets of the most skilled litigation attorney, guide you through the mayhem of court rules of procedure, support you as you work at mastering the necessary skills, and so much more.  We understand that you will never be a lawyer no matter how many workshops or trainings you take. But we can assure you that you can level the playing field with our help. 
We focus on everything from practical skills like persuasive speaking & writing, effective listening, better organization, etc.; to procedural topics like research, case theory creation, and evidence analysis to the legal aspects like understanding the relevant laws. 


Our service starts with us reviewing your entire file to help you come up with the best Gameplan for the “W-I-N”.  We not only want to know the background of your case, we also want to know how you got to where you are right now.  When we look at your previous motions/petitions, reports, judge’s decisions, etc. we can get a better idea of which direction to go to ensure that you get the outcome you want.  We work hard at helping you find the answers you need, in providing the guidance you want and in bridging the gaps between you and the opposing counsel. 

The services entail:
half-hour weekly meetings where we discuss anything related to your trial; 
help in gathering important information regarding your specific court & judge; 
guidance in providing you with the rules of procedure & understanding of them for your state;
showing you how to effectively use the rules for hearsay (evidence);
keeping track of your deadlines;
help organizing & analyzing your evidence;
practical exercises to develop essential skills for trial;
and so much more. 

In addition, you will have access to our workshop training on the following topics:
  • Trial Preparation
  • Evidence
  • Lay & Expert Witness Prep
  • Caselaw Research
We assign an experienced trial/litigation paralegal in your jurisdiction to help with filings, service of process, etc.; provide skip tracing to locate witnesses; conduct a background search to confirm the information provided in Discovery and whatever else is necessary to ensure that your case is adequately prepared for the best outcome.
We will look up your judge to find his/her prior decisions in similar cases, conduct a search on the attorneys in the case to get insight into their trial record/practices, and vet expert witnesses to ascertain their credibility.
You will have access to worksheets created specifically to help you hone in on the critical aspects of the trial. Worksheets include Exhibits Analysis, Witness Analysis, Theory Creation, and several others. 
And you will receive a FREE Family Court Trial Binder, pre-filled with all of the worksheets, state laws, state court procedural rules, e-guides, etc. (A $99 value.)


There is nothing like having someone you can instantly go to with the gazillion questions that come up as you navigate the court process on your own. We are here to provide support, guidance & assistance on ANYTHING that will help you prepare as much as you can for your trial. Preparing means focusing on the practical, legal, and tactical as well as the mental & emotional.  Whatever it takes to set you up to “W-I-N” is what we will do! (well there are some limits lol)

Better Courtroom Etiquette & Presentations 

You will make an excellent first impression when presenting yourself in court as self-represented.  Knowing how to address the players, how to use the correct legal terms, the order of things, how to present your witnesses, evidence, etc. all make a major impact on the court’s perception of you which equates to better consideration of your case. 

Stronger Arguments

The strength of your case rests significantly on the arguments you make in court. Your arguments should be carefully crafted based on your supporting evidence, the lack of strong evidence of the other party, the research, etc. You don’t have to have three years of law school to develop a superb theory of your case, you just need the support of someone who does. 

Clearer Understanding of Court Procedure

Judges don’t like pro se litigants because they take up too much time and make the judge work harder.  The main reason litigants cause delays is because they don’t understand court rules of procedure.  These rules can be extremely confusing, and can even contradict other rules. You will not only get a complete copy of the rules (for your review) but we will discuss the ones that are pertinent to your case.  We will assign a local, experienced litigation paralegal that can help with specific procedural issues in your area. 

More Organized & Prepped Evidence

Family Court litigants have tons and tons of evidence they insist on presenting to the court. However, not only do the rules of evidence limit what you can use in your trial, judges usually impose a time limit on specific parts of the trial.  It is extremely important that you know which evidence is most effective, which witness is the most credible, which issue should be addressed, how to address the other party’s claim(s), etc. We will help you with this on a step-by-step basis. We spend a significant amount of time & give lots of attention to this particular topic. In addition, we work on the Discovery phase of your case to ensure that you have everything you need (or use alternative means) to present your best case. To ensure this we:
  • use trial prep software
  • recommend apps to convert evidence into an admissible format
  • provide referrals for additional services
  • offer 24/7 trial assistance
  • assign an experienced paralegal
  • and much more. 
If you are interested in applying for our Trial Preparation Services, apply here. 
Read our recent testimonials from clients who worked with us on Trial Preparation here. 
Rates start at $3,995 (it varies based on things like the number of weeks, the complexity of issues, etc.) NOTE: Additional fees might be incurred. 
Who is this service ideal for?
This service is perfect for the Family Court litigant who has been to court on several different occasions, understands the court process, has worked with at least a few attorneys in the past, feels comfortable speaking in court, is able to do their own research and anyone whose over the games lawyers play. 
What can I expect to get from this service?
You can expect to learn the tricks lawyers play vs. pro se litigants, the legal shortcuts that help you save yourself mental anguish, and practical tactics to employ that keep you focused all while having someone right by your (virtual) side to address anything that comes up.
How is this service provided?
We meet via Zoom (weekly), chat via Google Voice (whenever needed), and communicate via email. You will also have access to the platform where all videos, pdfs, etc. are stored.
Why should I use this service instead of hiring an attorney?
You should absolutely hire an attorney if you feel more comfortable working with one. However, there are people who don’t trust attorneys and feel confident enough to handle their trials on their own. This service is designed for those people. Not only do you save yourself thousands in legal fees, you learn some extremely important skills that will help you in future court cases.  This service is more than a Trial Preparation service, we help you improve communication skills, organization skills, critical thinking skills, and everything else necessary to increase your success rate overall. 

When would the service start or when should I hire TDS?
So trial preparation should start the moment your case is scheduled for trial or earlier. The sooner you start gathering evidence, doing Discovery, issuing subpoenas, etc. the better. However, we understand that things come up so we would accept your request as long as we have at least thirty (30) days to help you prepare. We jump right at the moment you hire us. 

Where are you located, can you help me in my state?
We provide services to anyone within the USA. However, we have helped people in other parts of the world as well.