
This workshop is specifically designed for the self-represented. We will explain every stage of the Family Court trial from the pro se, pro per litigant's perspective.  The courts will not treat you the same as they would an attorney, the rules won't be applied to you the same as an attorney, and the outcome is likely to be very different as a result of these. You won't learn how to try your case like an attorney, but you will learn how to level the playing field. 

Join this workshop where you will receive guides, worksheets/workbooks, and a Q&A segment to answer your questions.  

This workshop is a two-part series. 
If you have a Family Court hearing or trial coming up you absolutely need to attend this workshop.  Let's face it trial can be a very scary thing, but in some cases, it's the best option. 

Don't even think about going to trial on your own without properly preparing for the bias of the court, the partiality of the judge, the games the opposing counsel will play, the confusing court procedure, and the overall daunting experience. You need to at least do your part to ensure that you are ready with all the insight, support, and knowledge you can get. 

In this 2-part  workshop, I will go over the following:
a. Creating a Strategy, Gameplan
b. Auditing & Conducting Discovery 
c. Analyzing & Prioritizing Evidence
d. Locating & Prepping Witnesses
e. Understanding laws, rules of procedure, etc.
f. Exploring filing Pre-trial motions
g. Using Subpoenas
h. Preparing Opening & Closing Statements
i. Drafting Direct & Cross-Examination Questions
j. Dealing with Expert Witnesses, GALs & CEs
k. Learn to Use & Overcome Objections
l. Understanding & Applying the Hearsay Rules
m.  Preparing Trial Binder
n. Researching complex legal issues
o. Conducting a search on judge
p. Alternatives to Discovery
q. Exploring the Use of Trial Memos 
r. Conducting basic investigations
s. Implementing "winning" tactics for Trial Strategy
and so much more. 

NOTE: These topics will be broken down into TWO 1.5-2 hour workshops.

BONUS: If you purchase the Trial Binder at the same time, you will get it for the discounted price of $79 instead of $99.