Serve on a long or short mission trip

Change a nation

Find The Need. Meet The Need.
Revolutionize a Nation


Missions – Can’t be experienced on a DVD or by way of a Video …

Are you ready to explore the Mission field first-hand? Come and experience the culture and ministry in a third-world nation and get a glimpse of what missionary life is truly like! Find out what it takes to run and operate a successful mission on a daily basis. We will employ your gifts and your talents to aid us in carrying out the plan God has for the nation of Honduras. Discover that God only needs a willing heart that will go to do the extraordinary. You will be given the opportunity to grow spiritually more than you can imagine!

TOLM will connect your team with ministry opportunities that match the unique strengths and talents of your team.  We tailor each trip individually, working within your teams experience level and budget range. Honduras is full of possibilities for ministry!!! This past year found our teams in the Honduran jungle, up in the mountains of northern Honduras  passing out supplies and clothing to needy families and doing construction projects in the nearby villages that are just now receiving fresh drinking water.  Teams make the impact the church is having on Honduras undeniable.


Spend this summer, or your next break, volunteering in Honduras. TOLM is the perfect place to do a short term internship. We encourage individuals to come and see what God is doing here in the country of Honduras and to be a part of the daily life here at the mission. There is something about holding an orphan child in your arms and giving him/her hope, about getting your hands dirty for the sake of someone else, impacting a young teenagers life with the gift of friendship and opening your heart to a nation that has so often been forgotten. You can’t but be changed.

Long Term – 3 to 12 months.
1. If you are skilled/certified in one or more of the below listed areas, than you can be a blessing to our ministry.
  •  Medical: doctors and nurses who can give an extended amount of time.
  • Language Teacher: to teach our staff and ministers primarily.
  • Maintenance Personnel: Electricians, Plumbers, Welders, Carpenters, Landscaping, Gardening etc. This is an opportunity without limits.
  • Activities Director: to provide a campus ambiance for the youth.
  • Media/IT
2. Prerequisites: Pastor Recommendation, periodic communication and financial support, bilingual Spanish/English, (“a good plus”.)
Full time Missions:
We are in need of full-time personnel in the following areas:
  • Medical: Doctor and or nurse.
  • Teachers: School teachers, Bible School teacher, and Language teachers.
  • Maintenance Personnel: Electricians, Plumbers, Welders, Carpenters, etc. This is an opportunity without limits.
  • . Activities Director: to provide a campus ambiance for the youth.
  • Campus Parents – Bilingual couples to act in the capacity of house parents or “para-parent” (that is to parent by proxy) the students of Escalon
3. Prerequisites: Pastor Recommendation, bilingual Spanish/English, Debt free, sustainable financial support and the heart to adjust to the vision of Tree of Life Ministry (TOLM).

Mission Trip Resources

Mission Trip Handbook: Preparation

Handbook For Mission Team Leaders

Sponsor Organizations
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