Meet Mireille Backtoactive

You are probably here because you are in pain. 

But why should you listen to me?

Well, I’ve lived it. I went through the mill of treatments for about 10 years: exercise, pain clinics, medication, physiotherapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture.... anything you could possibly think of for my severe back pain.

 But still my pain worsened to the point where I was forced to give up work as a vet.

Then I  finally found something that worked for me: Alexander Technique. Life opened up again.

This was such a life changing experience I decided to train as an Alexander Technique teacher - which is a 3 year full time training, so no light commitment! But I’m just one anecdote. Alexander Technique worked for me, but all sorts of funny things 'help' some people. 

So I dived into the science of pain. What works and why. Or more often, what doesn't work, but is still inexplicably popular....
Alexander Technique turned out to have a lot in common with the approaches recommended by the best informed practitioners in the pain field. It made sense why it might work for a wide range of people.

I would love to help you find your path out of pain. I'm always open to an informal chat: you can book me here


For more on my experience, qualifications and approach see here

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