How Students Can Overcome Fear While Embracing New Beginnings in School and Life

This blog post aims to provide practical steps and inspiration for students overcoming fears associated with new experiences, drawing from personal anecdotes and providing actionable tips. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter at

Raising Resilient Youth: Practical Advice for Stress and Anxiety Management

In a recent podcast episode, professional counselor Lauren Wolfe delves into the topic of stress and anxiety in children and teenagers. She highlights the distinction between stress, which dissipates after specific events, and anxiety, which can persist and cause disproportionate reactions. Wolfe emphasizes the importance of downtime and self-care, which should be modeled by parents to teach children the value of these practices. She also discusses the delicate balance between pushing for success and maintaining mental health in high-achieving teens. The episode concludes with practical advice for parents and educators, including recommended reads on adolescent mental health. By understanding the differences between stress and anxiety and implementing strategies for resilience, adults can better support the well-being of young minds.
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