Successfully launch your  
business today!
and generate the income of your dreams!

I'm Monee

When I quit my full-time job to be a stay-at-home mom finances were tight. I mean so tight there wasn’t room for error or we were going to be missing meals! We cut out all extras but there still wasn’t enough. 

I longed to contribute to our income but needed to create something from home so I could keep putting our family first. 

I knew there was a solution, but nothing seemed to be working.

I learned things the hard way so you don't have to.

When push came to shove I was forced into handcrafting products to generate income for our family. I started with a mindset of I needed to get something out into the world just to make money. I didn’t care what it looked like. I didn’t care who my ideal customer was. I just needed money! 

Needless to say, that "brand" was a flop!

Everything Changed

At the end of 2019 some changes with my husband’s work forced me to create another brand. This time I started differently. With a plan. After all, I had spent the first part of my career helping others launch their products, businesses, and dreams. It always started with a plan and lots of work before launching, not just “selling a product” from the get-go. 

This time it took off. A few months in I had wholesale clients, creating thousands of items, multiple SKUs and hiring a part-time employee. It all started with a plan and a system for executing it! 

The best part was I was creating a handcrafted product that filled my soul! I found joy in crafting items I could truly be proud of. 

With my handcrafted brand I could pay for the groceries, the car insurance and spoiled my family like crazy on Christmas. I paid off credit cards and felt a joy and peace I hadn’t in years. 

The best part was I was creating a handcrafted product that filled my soul! I found joy in crafting items I could truly be proud of. 

With my handcrafted brand I could pay for the groceries, the car insurance and spoiled my family like crazy on Christmas. I paid off credit cards and felt a joy and peace I hadn’t in years. 

"In 2023 I felt a calling to open the doors to the  
exact 7 steps I used  
to create a brand that generated thousands per month, not just a few sales on Facebook. "

Does this sound like you?

You have a product you lovingly handcraft that you’re proud of. 

You have no idea how to launch it into the world with intention and a plan for success?

You dream of generating an income, working from home and crafting things that light up your soul? 

Imagine If:

You have a brand behind your product that makes you look ultra-professional. 
You have a sales outlet that allows you peace from all the decision-making
You’re able to launch into the world with confidence that you’ve planned for a long-term brand. 
You’re generating income from selling your handcrafted products and selling them to people who align perfectly with your vision. 

the handcrafted launchpad
An online course that walks you through creating a handcrafted brand and launching it into the world with success in mind.

The 7 Steps You will learn:
  What is a brand & how to simply create one that aligns with your long-term goals
  How to create an amazing experience for your buyers with intentional packaging
  Demystify pricing & build a plan that creates sustainable profit
  Step-by-step instructions for taking beautiful product photos and writing product listings that convert to sales
  Pick the perfect online sales outlet for your specific product
  How to successfully launch your brand and product into the world
  How to create longevity for your brand to bring your financial freedom

Will I have to purchase anything else once I buy the course? 
Nothing comes for free in the world of creating physical products and selling them. If you want to start something for yourself you need to be willing to invest in your start-up. This will look like having capital to purchase an LLC, domain name, website hosting, packaging, and a small backstock of products to have ready to ship.

Is there any guarantee it will work for me? 
The steps taught will only work if you put forth the effort to make it work for you, but you deserve to create a brand you love and launch it into the world!

What does the course look like? 
There are multiple trainings in each module, broken down into short videos that can be watched one at a time or several in one sitting. Most modules also include PDF workbooks.

Can’t I just learn all this for free? 
You absolutely can. It took me 15 years of learning, working with clients, education, and multiple businesses to learn everything I’ve packed into the Handcrafted Launchpad. If you have the time you absolutely can find the information eventually. But save yourself the headache and learn it all in a few hours from me!

How do I get started?
Just scroll down a little bit and fill out the form below!

The world needs more handcrafted goods  
and less mass production. You are the solution to a more beautiful future. 

Yes I want in The Handcrafted Launchpad!

I'm ready to build a lasting brand for my handcrafted product and start generating life changing income!

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