Do you feel like you are on shaky ground? 
I get it. You are not alone! 

Through my coaching, discover the confidence within you. It's time to believe in yourself & embrace the extraordinary life God has planned for you.

In other words, get organized around what matters most!

Now is Your Time: Embrace Your Gifts, Ignite Your Confidence, 
Make an Impact

Welcome to my transformative coaching program designed to empower women to unlock their full potential and achieve success with 
confidence and integrity.

Through a series of personalized coaching sessions and tailored support, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, gaining valuable insights to master your time, cultivate a positive mindset, overcome self-doubt and comparison, align your actions with your values, and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit with unwavering faith.

I offer two comprehensive packages, each providing a blend of coaching sessions, and resources to meet individual needs and goals.

Whether you're just starting to live differently or seeking to take your life to the next level,  my program is designed to equip and empower you every step of the way.

Now is your time to shine!

Is the Now is Your Time coaching program right for you?
Are You?

  • Compromising your values for acceptance?
  • Overcommitting and not taking time for rest or self-care?
  • Holding on to beliefs of unworthiness and feel guilty about pursuing goals?
  • Having fear of success and discounting your achievements and downplaying your skills?
  • Experiencing feelings of inadequacy or envy, and overlooking your uniqueness of your own journey & gifts?
  • Downplaying your faith in life and business, feeling isolated, and underestimating the role of faith as a source of strength, wisdom, and guidance in your life?
Then you are in the right place!!
What's Included?  
Now is Your Time Signature System

01  Embrace your Gifts
      • Living Your Values
      • Empowering Mindset
      • Trust God's Plan for Success
02  Ignite your Confidence
      • The Art of Productivity and Prioritization
      • Unleash Your Inner Confidence
03  Create an Impact
      • Celebrate Your Unique Journey
Each step builds upon the previous one, creating a cohesive and impactful system for your personal & professional brilliance!

01  Gifts
      • A life aligned with your personal values which will increase your fulfillment in life and work and make a positive impact on society
      • Decreased self-talk, a stronger willingness to take risks and a stronger believe in your ability to achieve goals
      • Deepened faith and purpose, greater resiliency, and you will recognize how God does amazing work in your life & work
02  Confidence
      • Increased productivity, improved time management skills, and a huge sense of accomplishment
      • A positive outlook, increased confidence, and you will bounce back from setbacks quickly
03  Impact
      • Experience a deeper connection with God by living your truth and using your gifts boldly, inspiring others through your faith and positive impact
With each package you will receive:

Workbooks & exercises to keep your learning active

A copy of my book Confidence: Now is Your Time - 31 Days to a More Extraordinary You

This book is the fuel that drives your personal & professional life. It's the boost you need on those days you don't feel like doing what you need to do. It is a momentum generator that can make you fearless & unstoppable.

Choose from these packages:
3-Hour Deep Dive
In this package you get a personal 1/2 VIP Day with me and text/email support for a month.

90-Day Transformation
In this package you get a personal 1/2 VIP Day with me, six 45-minute coaching calls, and text/email support for 90 days.


At one of my lowest points in my life, Elizabeth was just the coach I needed to help me step past my pain and back into my power. She would challenge me to take that next step toward my goal while giving me all the emotional support I needed at a very difficult time. I am grateful for her guidance!
Theresa Rose, CSP
Brand & Business Crystallizer 
Temecula, CA

I hired Elizabeth as an organizational coach but quickly saw how much she was helping me with my life. I gained greater peace & confidence in myself from working with Elizabeth. She helped me gain the strength to carry on by myself, which I could not have done without her . I use the tools she gave me everyday and am thankful God put her in my life!
D. Oppold
Sioux Falls, SD

While my business has grown exponentially since working with Elizabeth my life and family has thrived, also.  Her coaching has brought me peace of mind, confidence, and fostered successful outcomes! She is never judgemental and always supported my personal goals and preferences. I know she genuinely cares for me.. 
Christine Daves, CPO
Think Organized
Minneapolis, MN
Christine Daves
Frequently Asked Questions
How does your coaching process work?
My coaching process is personalized and rooted in faith-based principles. I begin by understanding your current challenges, values, and goals. Together, we develop a tailored plan that integrates faith, family, and self-care. Through a combination of one-on-one sessions, e-mail support, goal setting exercises, and practical strategies, we work collaboratively to achieve transformational results. 
What makes your coaching style unique and effective?
My coaching style is characterized by empathy, authenticity, and a holistic approach. I uniquely blend faith-based principles with practical strategies, creating a supportive environment for women and women entrepreneurs. I believe in the power of aligning personal values with business goals, fostering not just professional and personal success but also a fulfilling life. 
Who is an ideal candidate for your coaching services?
Women, particularly those aged 45 and above, seeking harmony between their faith, family, and work. My coaching is designed for a woman who is seeking a more balanced and purposeful life. Also, you must be a very nice gal!
​What kind of transformation can a client expect from your coaching?
You can expect a profound transformation in your confidence, clarity, and courage. You will gain practical tools to create a balanced life, and rediscover joy in your journey. The result is a confident and empowered woman living an extraordinary life!
Can you share a success story that demonstrates your coaching impact?
Certainly! Sara (not her real name!), struggling to balance a thriving business with family life, discovered renewed purpose through our coaching. By aligning her values and business and personal goals, she not only achieved professional success but also found fulfillment in her personal life, creating a lasting impact on her family and community. 
Why should someone unsure about coaching decide to work with you?
I've got your back! I offer a unique blend of experience, faith-based principes, and a proven track record. My coaching is not just about success but also about fostering a life that aligns with your core values. Don't know your core values? Never fear, we will figure them out together. I provide a supportive and empathetic space for personal and professional growth, guiding you toward clarity, courage and confidence. 
What value to you bring to partnerships and collaborations?
In partnerships and collaborations, I bring a wealth of experience, a commitment to shared values, and a collaborative spirit. I believe in creating mutually beneficial relationships where we can leverage our strengths and support others, fostering a community dedicated to growth and success. 
Why should someone hire you for a speaking engagement or a podcast interview?
As a speaker,  I bring a unique perspective, blending faith, life strategy, and entrepreneurship. My engaging and authentic approach resonates with audiences, leaving a lasting impact. I offer insights, stories, and practical wisdom that inspire individuals to embrace their journey with courage, clarity, and confidence. I offer keynotes and break-out sessions.


Copyright Elizabeth Hagen