What if one click could change everything?

Transform your health with 5 to Thrive, a 6-week, plant-based program designed to help you achieve weight loss, lower blood sugar, improved cholesterol levels, and more energy. Built around five daily habits called the 5 Power Moves, this program offers a structured approach to looking and feeling your best. Participants have reported incredible benefits, including significant weight loss and reduced cholesterol levels, attributing their success to the program's accountability and supportive group environment.

This interactive, Zoom-based program begins the week of September 23rd, with sessions every Wednesday from 7-8 pm ET. Each week, we'll be together in live meetings. There's also a one-hour Q&A session, tapping into years of expertise in weight loss and chronic disease management. Once you register, you’ll receive the 5 to Thrive eBook filled with delicious recipes and get immediate access to the Member-Only Area and a private Discussion Room.

Join the waitlist by Wednesday, July 17th to receive $100 off the program price, reducing the registration fee to $149 for a comprehensive six-week experience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start changing your health for the better. [Join the waitlist](https://peggykraus.com/landing/5ttwaitlistlandingpage) and take the first step towards your best self ever!

Transform Your Health: Discover How I Shed 30 Pounds and Beat Arthritis for Good

This picture was taken more than 25 years ago. 

Newly married, I weighed 162 pounds. Not particularly happy with my weight, I was strong and could cycle wherever I wanted. Chronic knee pain from severe arthritis side-lined me from time to time, but I could live with it.

Fast forward five or ten years. Everything changed for me. 

I learned about the power of plant-based foods to transform my body. 

I had excellent teachers. From Caldwell Esselstyn, MD, I learned that meat raises my risk for heart disease. From T. Colin Campbell, PhD, I learned that dairy products raised my risk for cancer and type 2 diabetes. From the two, I learned that plants are right for my body.

I collected new recipes and wrote revised shopping lists for simple but tasty meals. Family holidays focused on plant-centered foods that were colorful, healthful, and delicious. The compliments keep coming. Friends and family love to spend holidays at my house. Where else can they celebrate AND eat healthful food -- at the same time?

Along with the right mix of exercise and rest, including sleep, my new plant-based lifestyle was transforming my body. From the inside out.

So how did this work for me? After a few months, my knee pain disappeared. Over 6 months or so, I lost 20 pounds. The weight just kept coming off.

Now, 17 years later, I’ve lost a total of 30 pounds, and I am still knee-pain-free. I’ve cycled tens of thousands of miles. I feel as young as ever. I am thriving!

I love whole-natural plant foods. I love the way they look and smell, and I love how they make me feel: Proud of my body. I’m full of energy, disease-free, and still plenty strong.

Now that I know the truth about plant-based food and how it loves my body, I can’t NOT know. It’s like riding a bike. Once you know, you can’t forget it. I could choose to ignore it but ignoring it doesn’t change the truth.

This is Jamie and me today.

I want you to know how it feels to thrive. 

Here's your chance to lose those extra pounds and get clear of prescription meds. Get those lab numbers in check. Wake up every morning with energy for a new day. 

I've helped my clients shed hundreds -- NO THOUSANDS -- of pounds. And I want to help YOU!

I'm excited to share my 5 Power Moves with you. Lose weight quickly and permanently and get the optimal health that you deserve.

Join me for 5 to Thrive. Learn my 5 Power Moves and how to put them into play in your life. These Power Moves have helped thousands of people to lose weight and have optimal health.

Meetings on Wednesdays: Beginning May 8th at 7pm ET
Live Q&A with me on Saturday: May 18th at 10am ET

This is a Zoom-based program with weekly interactive meetings and a Live Q&A Session. You’ll have access to me and my years of experience in helping people to lose weight and reverse chronic disease.

The price for the 6-week program is $249. But if you use the coupon code FRIEND50, you’ll get a $50 discount when you register BEFORE May 2nd.

You'll get my amazing 5 to Thrive eBook. It has key info, tasty recipes, and action tips for success. PLUS! I've created an online community where we can connect between Zoom sessions. There's no doubt that people are better at changing habits with a group's support.

Invest in yourself. You’ll be happy you did.


Tired of being overweight & taking medication?

Start fixing what's wrong... so you can toss the meds.
Overweight. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. GERD. MORE.

Start losing weight TODAY!
Use these 5 simple yet powerful diet tips to speed you on your way.

How to move from merely surviving to THRIVING! with this *FREE* workshop

“I just have no energy. I'm run down. Nothing seems fun anymore. I just stay inside." -- DJ

Our world moves at a hectic pace.

It’s easy to slip into survival mode. Getting by day-to-day without truly feeling alive or fulfilled. Not taking care of ourselves, we’re tired, over-scheduled, and unhappy. 

We worry about the toll our lifestyles will have on our health.

What if we can stop weathering the storms and start dancing in the rain? What if we could shift from merely surviving to truly THRIVING?

A key step in this journey is understanding and improving our health. It starts with something as routine as our blood test numbers.

Acceptable vs. Exceptional Lab Numbers
When it comes to our health, our lab numbers are a key factor in understanding where we stand. Physicians commonly use blood tests to assess how we're doing. Lab work can identify illnesses and guide treatment plans.

But having acceptable lab numbers is different from achieving exceptional ones. Acceptable lab results may imply you're not at immediate risk for certain diseases. But exceptional numbers point to optimal health and an improved quality of life.
Decoding Blood Test Results
Blood test results often come with a reference range. These values are considered to be normal. They're based on population averages. When numbers are within this range, it usually means nothing is alarming about your health. But these ranges can be wide. They may not reflect a person's best health.

And especially troublesome is when numbers drift from acceptable into risky territories.
Exceptional numbers brighten your life
Beyond preventing illness, exceptional lab numbers bring you more energy and fewer medications. So you're better able to enjoy life and do the things that you love -- all in a strong and healthy body.

When we're talking about health, acceptable is one thing. But exceptional could unlock a new level of living well. And living well is THRIVING!

When we thrive, we are energetic and alive. We look for new opportunities to grow. We take on challenges that allow us to grow from within. We are independent and strong.That’s what I want for YOU
And that’s why I’m offering a FREE Workshop. It’s part of my new Thrive Series: 

Moving Your Numbers from Acceptable to EXCEPTIONAL
On Day #1, we'll talk about standard lab tests. What are the guidelines? Are the guidelines optional?

On Day #2, we'll talk about how to move those numbers -- quickly and permanently! So that you don’t have to settle for just surviving. Instead, you can THRIVE!

Day #1 – Wednesday, April 10th at 7pm ET
Day #2 – Wednesday, April 17th at 7pm ET

Why settle for acceptable when YOU can have EXCEPTIONAL lab numbers?

Move from merely surviving to THRIVING!


Tired of being overweight & taking medication?

Start fixing what's wrong... so you can toss the meds.
Overweight. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. GERD. MORE.

Start losing weight TODAY!
Use these 5 simple yet powerful diet tips to speed you on your way.

Eating more chicken to drop your cholesterol? Why that's actually a BAD idea.

Switching from beef to chicken with the hope of lowering cholesterol levels is a myth that needs dispelling. Contrary to popular belief, a 2019 study found that both chicken and beef equally raise cholesterol levels, showing that substituting beef with chicken does not bring the anticipated benefits for cholesterol management. It highlights the misconception that chicken is not meat or somehow healthier in terms of cholesterol impact, shedding light on the fact that all meat, regardless of its source, is problematic due to compounds like carnitine and choline which promote inflammation and can exacerbate cholesterol and heart health issues.

Fiber plays a crucial role in combating high cholesterol, yet neither chicken nor beef contains fiber, which acts like a sponge to soak up and eliminate cholesterol from the body. The high fat content in meat, combined with the absence of fiber, underscores the futility of choosing leaner meats as a solution for cholesterol management. The complexity in determining the fat content in meat based on various factors renders the effort nearly impossible, drawing attention to the need for alternative dietary choices.

Emphasizing plant-based proteins such as beans, lentils, whole grains, and vegetables presents a viable solution for those aiming to lower their cholesterol levels. These food items are not only rich in fiber and low in fat but also provide a clean, cholesterol-lowering protein alternative to meat. Adopting a plant-focused diet could significantly improve cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure, offering a healthier lifestyle choice free from the unwanted side effects associated with other cholesterol management strategies like statin use.

2 Surprising Reasons Why You Need a Strength Training Routine

**Be sure to read to the end for a FREE Happy Healthy Holidays GIFT 🎁 for you.**

I’m asked a lot of questions to which I give the same answer, “Get a strength training routine.”

Do you have a strength training routine? 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


Here’s why you should get one.

Of the many reasons why strength training should be part of your exercise routine, here are my two favorites.

1. Strength training helps you to lose weight. 

Most people don’t equate strength training with weight loss. Most focus on doing cardio to lose weight. You know, exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming. They make your heart beat faster and burn calories. But to lose weight, strength training is more effective. Especially as the years go by.

Let me unpack that.

Strength training continues to burn calories even after you finish your exercises. It helps muscles grow and burn calories now, later, tomorrow, and a week from Tuesday. You get it. If you have more muscle mass, you’ll burn more calories. Always. Not just while you’re out walking your pooch or raking the fall leaves.

If your weight loss slows down or stops, try adding more weight training to get it moving again.

2. Strength training helps you live longer and better.

With every passing year, Father Time takes away more of our muscle mass. I’m sure you’ve noticed it yourself. Your muscles are smaller. You have more trouble climbing stairs. You’re wobblier on your feet. You have lost muscle that helps you burn calories and gives you strength and stability.

It’s called sarcopenia, and because of it, we’re less able to burn calories. If we’re less able to burn calories, we’re less likely to lose weight.

Being older, being overweight or obese, and having chronic diseases like diabetes and kidney disease can cause sarcopenia.

Sarcopenia can be a problem for weight loss. It can also make you frail and need help with daily activities and moving around.

Sarcopenia increases the rates of hip fractures.
  • 1 in 3 adults aged 50+ dies within 1 year of suffering a hip fracture. 
  • 10% of frail people who have a hip fracture die within 30 days. 30% die within a year.
Sarcopenia is the gradual loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. Muscle mass decreases about 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and gets even worse after the age of 60.

Strength training also lowers blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. It improves sleep and memory.

The good news is that you can slow down how fast you lose muscle. A study found that people who do strength training 2-3 days/week are less likely to die than those who don't. That is even if they do the recommended 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week.

Everyday chores improve muscle strength and stem the tide of muscle loss.

·         Stand up straight with your head and shoulders pulled back. Tuck your buttocks under your hips. Good posture does wonders for strengthening the neck and back and preventing falls.
·         Divide your groceries into two totes and do biceps curls as you walk to the car.
·         Don’t bend over to pick things up. Bend your knees to get lower to the ground. You may not be able to squat all the way to the ground, but anything is better than not squatting at all. Kneeling can also get you closer to the ground and work your legs and your buttocks.
·         Don’t use your hand to rise out of a chair. Keep your legs strong by letting them lift you.
·         Take the stairs.

These activities are helpful to stay strong, but they’re not enough. 

That’s why I’m offering a fun and easy way to get and stay stronger.

I have a Happy Healthy Holidays gift for you! 
I want to give you the gift of a strong and lean body.

Join us on Zoom. Holistic Fitness is a fun class that helps you build muscle and stay fit for everyday tasks. You'll improve your physical strength by doing exercises with weights and resistance. Come to all of the classes or the ones that fit your schedule. 

It’s totally *FREE!* 

Happy Healthy Holidays--Holistic Fitness schedule
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays 
Begins: November 28
Ends: December 28th
Time: 6:30-7:30pm ET**

**Classes will be recorded, so it you can't make it at 6:30pm, you'll get the link to the recording.

Your instructor will adjust intensities for participants as needed. The exercises will challenge your strength and cardiovascular ability. You’ll be able to do more work with less effort and fewer rest periods. We encourage the use of low weight dumbbells and/or resistance bands. Learn more about your instructor here.

Sign up for Holistic Fitness TODAY so you can get the Zoom link and the links to the recording.

More info on other Happy Heathy Holidays offerings coming soon!

To thank you for following me this year, this is my holiday gift to you.

Abrahamsen B, van Staa T, Ariely R, Olson M, Cooper C. Excess mortality following hip fracture: a systematic epidemiological review. Osteoporos Int. 2009 Oct;20(10):1633-50. doi: 10.1007/s00198-009-0920-3. Epub 2009 May 7. PMID: 19421703.
Mann S, Beedie C, Jimenez A. Differential effects of aerobic exercise, resistance training and combined exercise modalities on cholesterol and the lipid profile: review, synthesis and recommendations. Sports Med. 2014 Feb;44(2):211-21. doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0110-5. PMID: 24174305; PMCID: PMC3906547.
Ouellet JA, Ouellet GM, Romegialli AM, Hirsch M, Berardi L, Ramsey CM, Cooney LM Jr, Walke LM. Functional Outcomes After Hip Fracture in Independent Community-Dwelling Patients. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Jul;67(7):1386-1392. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15870. Epub 2019 Apr 9. Erratum in: J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Feb;68(2):450. PMID: 30964203; PMCID: PMC6941577.
Schuijt, H.J., Bos, J., Smeeing, D.P.J. et al. Predictors of 30-day mortality in orthogeriatric fracture patients aged 85 years or above admitted from the emergency department. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 47, 817–823 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00068-019-01278-z
Sheoran S, Vints WAJ, Valatkevičienė K, Kušleikienė S, Gleiznienė R, Česnaitienė VJ, Himmelreich U, Levin O, Masiulis N. Strength gains after 12 weeks of resistance training correlate with neurochemical markers of brain health in older adults: a randomized control 1H-MRS study. Geroscience. 2023 Jun;45(3):1837-1855. doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-00732-6. Epub 2023 Jan 26. PMID: 36701005; PMCID: PMC9877502.
Volpi E, Nazemi R, Fujita S. Muscle tissue changes with aging. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004 Jul;7(4):405-10. doi: 10.1097/01.mco.0000134362.76653.b2. PMID: 15192443; PMCID: PMC2804956.


Tired of being overweight & taking medication?

Start fixing what's wrong... so you can toss the meds.
Overweight. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. GERD. MORE.

Start losing weight TODAY!
Use these 5 simple yet powerful diet tips to speed you on your way.

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