CoParenting Mediation One Hour Session

Have issues with communicating, logistics, etc. while coparenting with the other parent? Need help from a neutral third party professional to help resolve these recurring issues?  Well you should consider coparenting mediation. 
Coparenting mediation is a cost effective way to address common issues that come up in any coparenting relationship. It serves to keep legal costs down, while at the same time serving to provide each parent with tools they can employ to improve their relationship for the future. 

The mediation will help you save thousands of dollars and hours of headaches. It will include:
  • Learning Advanced techniques for communication and de-escalation of conflicts
  • Essential insights into child development that are pivotal for creating comprehensive co-parenting plans that benefit the entire family
  • Tips on aimed at effectively managing emotions and fostering productive discussions between parties.
  • and much more. 
Specific things we can focus on:
  • Divorce or paternity joint modifications to the parenting plan
  • Child-related information sharing
  • Parenting time schedule
  • Holidays and vacations
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Education and schooling
  • Child support modification
  • Sending shared and consistent messages
  • Limit-setting
  • Health, dental and medical issues
  • Child mental health
  • Relationships with relatives
 Sessions are virtual with the capability to do break out rooms if necessary.