Hi everyone! A belated Happy Father’s Day to you! Today, I wanted to continue with some quick stepparenting tips, all adapted from my book, 16 Gifts From a Stepmother: Encouragement for the Blended Family Journey.
Over twenty years ago, while I was teaching on a First Nations community in Alberta, Canada, I had the pleasure of hosting a woman from England named Vera. She had always dreamt of working on a First Nations Community in Canada. She had read about Canada and imagined our wide open spaces.
Read more...With the new reality that has been thrust upon, there has been a fresh focus on relationships: how do you get along with your spouse when you’re together all the time? Sure, there are those special couples who work jointly at a business together but for most of us, we are used to going to our own little world during the day and meeting up at night.
Read more...When my husband and I first got married, we had A LOT of conflict. It was a second marriage for both of us, so things were complicated. Our personalities were very different, so we seemed to have a different perspective on even the most basic of issues. To top it off, we had both undergone major hurts in our childhood, and past relationships, so we were triggered by minor incidents.
Read more...When I was 13 years old, our family moved to a new town where I knew no one. After leaving my old friends behind, I reconnected with an old family friend named Karilynn. We became best friends. We would spend hours together simply “hanging out” talking about boys, life and our families.