Strategic Gameplan

In Family Court the possibilities are endless...and that's not necessarily a good thing.  This means that it's a toss-up at every turn when you have a divorce or custody case in Family Court.  The judges have endless (well almost endless) discretion with what they can do. This means that they can interpret the Best Interests of the Child standards (the law that applies in Family Court) in any way they deem appropriate. So in essence, their preferences, values, beliefs, biases, etc. will most certainly have an impact on the overall outcome of your case. and not much you can do about it.  Well, there's not much you can do AFTER it's been done, but you can certainly employ some tactics to ensure that they stick to the law more than their personal views. 

One way to ensure that this happens is to have a solid Gameplan for your case.  No matter what your case is about, who the parties are, or whether you have an attorney or not, you should ALWAYS create a Gameplan for your case moving forward. 
This means looking at the background of your case (both factual and legal), the current circumstances, all possible outcomes, the potential consequences, and a plan of action in light of all of these.  Although things change by the minute in Family Court, you need to have a solid foundation set for the unexpected. 

This is why we offer the Strategy Gameplan service. It is NOT LEGAL ADVICE but is a practical, logical, and realistic view of all of the important aspects of your case and how they should determine what you do moving forward.  We look at all of your relevant documents (court/legal documents), transcripts, and some evidence and do an in-depth review of it all. Then we look up your judge, any lawyers, etc. to determine how they have interpreted and applied laws/rules of procedure in similar situations in the past. Then we do some legal research to help us narrow down the best argument based on what worked previously.  And with all of this, we give you what you need to help you decide which route might render the results you want based on the aforementioned.

We submit this all in a comprehensive report (usually 10-20 pages) within seven (7) business days. (NOTED: The clock starts from the time we receive payment, signed Agreement, and all required documents.)

This is ideal for anyone who has nuanced issues in their case (like parental alienation, coercive control, etc.) and just wants a thorough assessment of their court case.