Books I Love: The Mystery of Marriage

Do you enjoy reading books about marriage and relationships? I know that I have always loved marriage and relationship books. My passion for learning about relationships started when I wanted to fix my parent’s marriage. Then, when my own relationships faltered, I needed help for myself.

We Dream of Marriage — An Excerpt

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a good week. The last month of my life has been spent getting ready for and then directing Vacation Bible School. It has been a crazy amount of work and a crazy amount of fun. For this week, I have published an excerpt from the book I just recently wrote, Second Marriage: An Insider’s Guide to Hope, Healing & Love

One of the hard parts about a second marriage can be accepting that your “original dreams” did not come true. You did stay “live happily ever after” with the person in your first marriage. If your partner was married before, you are not their first wife or husband.

Nothing New Under the Sun — An Interview with Author Susan Preston

Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog.  Have you ever wondered if the struggles of second marriage are new to our time, a modern phenomena? If the difficulties of blending a family are something unique to the present age? Well, today we are speaking with a lady who has spent a fair bit of her time researching the cultures of ancient times and she has something to say about whether or not family dynamics have really changed over the years. We will begin the interview in a moment but first some news.

How Writing a Book is Like Building a Stepfamily

Hi … welcome back to the blog! I know it’s been a while since I have published and you may notice that the look of this little piece of real estate on the web … and the name have been changed. I have decided to call it  call it “Second Chance Love.” This is widen up the audience to anyone that has dared to love (and commit) again after a heartbreak, whether divorce, bereavement or any other heart-wrenching event that makes love hard. Please let me know how you like the changes in the comment section below!

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