Healing Came to Me Over Time — An Interview with Pat Bubash

Have you ever wondered what makes some second marriages so successful, while others are not so much? Well, today, we are talking to Patricia Bubash M.Ed., author of [easyazon_link identifier=”1589095634″ locale=”US” tag=”recommended0cb-20″]Successful Second Marriages[/easyazon_link]. Her book delves deeply into that very topic and focuses on the stories of couples who were very successful in their second marriages.

Nothing New Under the Sun — An Interview with Author Susan Preston

Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog.  Have you ever wondered if the struggles of second marriage are new to our time, a modern phenomena? If the difficulties of blending a family are something unique to the present age? Well, today we are speaking with a lady who has spent a fair bit of her time researching the cultures of ancient times and she has something to say about whether or not family dynamics have really changed over the years. We will begin the interview in a moment but first some news.

Second Marriage Tip #3: Let Go Of The Past

The third piece of advice in this ongoing second marriage tip series is “let go of the past.” This is a series of quick tips designed to help you in your marriage.

Many marriages break up when they cannot see past all the hurt in their history.

Not letting go means that we use the past as a filter in how we view the present. We will interpret our partner’s actions by things that happened to us in our last relationship.

Second Chance TV: When Calls The Heart

Hi everyone! I hope you like the new look of the website! I have been working like a crazy woman updating and making everything function properly.  Let’s just dive into it, then. While looking for something new to watch on Netflix the other night, I came across a period drama called When Calls The Heart. And I was pleasantly surprised to discover that there was a second marriage connection.