20 Lessons I Learned in 2020

2020 was probably the hardest year of our life for many people. This episode 20 lessons I learned during this challenging year, from marriage lessons to how to play some new games. I talk about marriage lessons, such as how to communicate more directly and how boundaries give us a sense of freedom.

Compassion is the Basket

Hey, have you ever received a gift basket when you were sick? Or maybe as a Christmas present or a birthday surprise?

If you think about it the basket is often the best part of the present. Without the basket, it would just be a grocery bag or a plain cardboard box. Boring and bland! A lovely basket is what makes it special and memorable.

Now Is All We Have Now Is All We Have

It is New Year’s Eve tonight. In just over two hours, it will be a new decade. It has been twenty years since we experienced the angst-causing panic of Y2K. There have been a plethora of changes in the last twenty years, since we changed not just decades, but centuries. In some ways, our world is almost unrecognizable.


Forgive Them — For They Know Not

Hi everyone! I wanted to republish a post that I did last Good Friday, with a few minor changes. I hope you are all doing well today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
–Matthew 6:12
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