As we speak, we are finally getting a winter storm coming to our home in the bush in Canada. We have had an unseasonably warm fall but finally, the rain and snow are moving in. Noooo!
But on the bright side, the wood is all piled up for the winter. The leaves are all raked up and the woodstove is going nicely. As Canadians, we pride ourselves on being ready for the harsh, uncontrollable weather of our Northern country but what if I told you there is a kind of climate we can control?
Read more...Have you ever wondered what makes some second marriages so successful, while others are not so much? Well, today, we are talking to Patricia Bubash M.Ed., author of [easyazon_link identifier=”1589095634″ locale=”US” tag=”recommended0cb-20″]Successful Second Marriages[/easyazon_link]. Her book delves deeply into that very topic and focuses on the stories of couples who were very successful in their second marriages.
Read more...Wow, life can be so stressful sometimes, can’t it? With all the complications, second marriages can be a pressure cooker for those involved. One way of helping to alleviate the pressure is to somehow, some way find time for yourself. Take some time to remember who you are, besides being a stepmom, mom, wife and partner. Do something you enjoy, even if it is only once or twice a week.
Read more...Do you and your spouse seem to be opposites? In an earlier post, we talked about learning to see your differences as a gift instead of a curse. Because personality differences in a marriage means you both have different strengths to offer in the marriage. Recognizing this can be extremely useful when considering what you may think is incompatibility.