Oh no! I’m Married to My Opposite!

Are you and your spouse completely different? Do you sometimes wonder how you’re going to make it? Well, I understand, because I’m married to my opposite, too! We are different in so many ways: personality, interests and background. When we first got married, I would google “married to your opposite” into the search engine, desperate for someone that would help me in some way.

Our Personalities Are So Different!

Do you and your spouse seem to be opposites? In an earlier post, we talked about learning to see your differences as a gift instead of a curse. Because personality differences in a marriage means you both have different strengths to offer in the marriage. Recognizing this can be extremely useful when considering what you may think is incompatibility.


Help, I’m Married To My Opposite!

Are you married to your opposite? Do you and your spouse seem to see things differently in almost every way possible? If so, please be assured that this is perfectly normal. From my study of marriage resources, speaking to friends, and my own experience, I think we are in the majority.
I’m Married To My Opposite, Too!