Hey everyone, welcome to the Happily Ever After Again podcast. I’m your host, Sharilee Swaity. Today, it is Valentine’s Day and I am coming to you with my Valentine’s Day show. Today, I want to share three ways my thinking has changed about this holiday over the years, and how these changes have made me less disappointed in this sometimes controversial holiday.
Read more...In this podcast episode, I talk about the journey to overcoming hurt from past relationships. (This episode is the first in the series “Journey to Healing.” The series will not run consecutively but instead be every 3-4 episodes.) Sometimes we think we’re completely “over” the past, but little signs keep popping up, making us wonder if we truly are healed. Maybe we feel bitter and aren’t sure why. Perhaps we are habitually insecure, for no logical reason. When we still need to heal, these signs can come up, giving us clues that our healing is not finished.
Read more...2020 was probably the hardest year of our life for many people. This episode 20 lessons I learned during this challenging year, from marriage lessons to how to play some new games. I talk about marriage lessons, such as how to communicate more directly and how boundaries give us a sense of freedom.
Read more...In this episode, we will examine the gifts we give to our spouses that don’t cost any money, but that are far more valuable than a sweater or favorite tool.