Hi everyone!
Are you proud to be your stepson’s stepmom? Being a stepmom is pretty heroic, if you ask me. It is “stepping” up to help raise the children of your partner, and taking them into your heart as your own! Wow, talk about love! To help celebrate the general “awesomeness” of stepmoms, I have created some brand-new products available now!
Read more...Before my husband and I married, the children seemed very positive about having me in their life. After the wedding, however, things got harder and there was much more resistance on their end. From everything I have read, this was a completely normal and expected reaction.
Read more...Psst, everyone, Valentines’s Day is coming up! In fact, it’s this week…this Wednesday, to be exact! But you probably knew that, right? What kind of feelings does this holiday invoke in you? Excitement, specialness… or perhaps a bit of dread?
Husbands may sometimes feel intimidated by this renowned celebration of love, and a bit of pressure to get exactly the right thing. Conversely, wives may feel a bit of sadness at this time of year, longing for some illusive romantic magic.
Read more...When I was 13 years old, our family moved to a new town where I knew no one. After leaving my old friends behind, I reconnected with an old family friend named Karilynn. We became best friends. We would spend hours together simply “hanging out” talking about boys, life and our families.