A Personal Peek — The Unexpected Beach

Wow, what a September it has been! Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes … such tragedy and devastation. It seems like the earth has really been shaken up. We who are not directly involved have been on standby, praying in solidarity, while those of you in the midst of it have been bracing for what comes next.

Such devastation has a way of leveling us all — we are humbled at seeing how any one of us could lose all of our worldly goods in an instant. For many of who have gone through divorce or bereavement, we saw our world fall apart, too. The tragedy may have been more private but no less profound. When we lose a spouse, for a while, it can feel like we have lost our whole world and the children are even more helpless at seeing the home they knew fall apart.

This week, then, I feel especially grateful and humbled that our place still stands and God provides such beauty for us to enjoy. I will share some pictures of our walks this month and then update you on what I have been up to lately. Enjoy!
Wait? There’s a Beach Here Now?

This month, we seemed to have more time to walk than the rest of the summer and it was definitely worth the wait. The lake is low at this time of year and sand usually hidden by the water is exposed creating some unexpected beaches. We walked for half an hour the other day along the newly created sandbar …

As we walked, we bumped into a collection of teepees someone had created from all the fallen driftwood.

This led to a path in the woods:

Later that day, my teacher friend, Sandra came along and asked me to go for a walk. I was pushing a deadine but the temptation was too great. We walked along another beach close to our house. (the real beach)  She loves photography, too, and she kept urging me …”take a picture of this! Over there …” (As if I need any encouragement … I am obsessed!) Here she is:

And then this happened. We couldn’t stop looking. It was as if God painted a watercolour canvas right in front of us. The sky, water and sand all melted into one another into one delicious pink s’more of beauty.

So, thanks for allowing me to share a bit of my life with you. I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me about your September. Were you involved in any of the storms? Did you send kids back to school? What are you grateful for? Share below!

If you are interested in reading the book, Second Marriage: An Insider’s Guide to Hope, Healing & Love, check it out on [easyazon_link identifier=”1546760717″ locale=”US” tag=”recommended0cb-20″]Amazon[/easyazon_link] today.

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