Building trust with your stepchildren is an important investment in your family. When you married your spouse, you also married his kids and you all must become a family. Although biological families trust each other instinctively, stepfamilies must build that trust piece by piece.
One of the the ways stepmoms and stepdads can do this is with some powerful trust-building actions that demonstrate their intention to not compete but to help. These actions will help to build to foundation for a future where you are becoming more like family, and less like strangers.
Prepare Now For the Future
Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well. I don’t know about you, but I am really not ready to let go of summer yet! The ease of coat-free days … sandals and bathing suits … what’s not to like? But like it or not, summer is on its way out and winter is just around the corner. At our house, that means preparation.
You see, my husband and I have a little house in the woods and a wood stove is the main source of heat. This means A LOT of preparation to get ready for winter. Hours of chopping down trees, cutting them into logs and splitting them into manageable pieces means a warm house all through the winter.
And getting all this wood ready for winter reminds me of being a stepmom. How so? Well, first of all, being a step parent is long-term gig that requires preparation. These children will always be a part of our lives, so we need to do things to prepare for the long run. Things that will build trust and show our step kids that we have their best interest at heart.
And if we do the work now, we will enjoy warmth in our relationship with them in the future. In my latest project, I outline four things that you can do with your stepchild to help develop a more trusting relationship with them.
Four Gifts Your Stepchild Needs to Trust You
One of the biggest obstacles facing step parents is lack of trust from their stepchildren. They are often hurting from the divorce and may be leery of someone new in their life. This free e-book outlines ways to earn that trust, even in the most uneasy of situations.
We talk about making sure that you show you are not there to compete with their parents but that you are there to help and be an additional resource for them. We talk about how important it is to show support to your spouse by encouraging them to spend quality time with his kids. And we talk about how fun is a powerful tool for connecting and becoming closer.
If you are interested in learning more about these powerful principles, get the free download now of The Four Gifts Your Step Child Needs From You. And if you already signed up for the book, I invite you to take a look around at the rest of the blog. Check out the latest second marriage tips, and the explanation of how personality differences play out in a marriage.
Also, if you have read the book, can you do me a big favour? Would you mind commenting below telling me if the book has helped you? Did you learn anything from it, or did it confirm what you already knew?
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