“In this world, ye will have tribulation,” was what Jesus said. And it is so true. No one is exempt from having problems. They are part of life. Often, stress and worries are hard on a marriage, too. Today, I want to talk about how to recover from conflict caused by stress and worry.
Before we get started, though, I just wanted to say hi! I hope you are keeping well in these crazy times.
Read more...Hi everyone! A belated Happy Father’s Day to you! Today, I wanted to continue with some quick stepparenting tips, all adapted from my book, 16 Gifts From a Stepmother: Encouragement for the Blended Family Journey.
Over twenty years ago, while I was teaching on a First Nations community in Alberta, Canada, I had the pleasure of hosting a woman from England named Vera. She had always dreamt of working on a First Nations Community in Canada. She had read about Canada and imagined our wide open spaces.
Read more...For the next few weeks, I am going to start a new series, of quick tips for stepparents. These tips would work for anyone who is working with children/teens that aren’t quite “theirs,” such as foster children or even mentors. Most of these tips are adapted from my book, 16 Gifts from a Stepmom: Encouragement for the Blended Family Journey. Okay, here goes with Tip #1: Do Something Fun!
Read more...Wow, things are finally getting back to normal (ish?) here where we are in Manitoba, Canada. Most stores have opened up, with some restrictions, and groups are starting to gather, albeit with restrictions. How are things where you live? As we emerge from our burrows with our wild hair, it seems like the perfect time to reflect on what we may have learned during this time.